Wednesday, August 31, 2011

NeW Fall 2011 Schedule!

NeW at UF is excited to announce our Fall 2011 Schedule!

Meetings will take place in Rinker Hall this year, room 210. This is the building construction building located on Newell and Inner. (Perfect for parking in the garage next door or the lot across the street!)

Our first meeting is next Thursday, Sept. 8th from 7pm-8pm, so mark your calendar today!! :)

Meetings on Thursdays Sept. 8 and Sept. 22 from 7pm-8pm.
Events: 9/11 Ceremony, 9/12 Constitution Reading

Meetings on Thursdays Oct. 6 and Oct. 20 from 7pm-8pm.
Events: Annual Tea Party

Meeting on Thursday Nov. 17 from 7pm-8pm
Events: Officer Elections

Meeting on Thursday Dec. 1 from 7pm-8pm

To be scheduled: more service events, guest speakers, socials and much more! :) Be excited!

Any questions? Email Elizabeth Hebeler, UF NeW President at today! We can't wait to see you at our first NeW meeting next week!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Visit us Tuesday at the Women's Welcome Assembly!

 Come visit NeW tomorrow, Tuesday Aug.30, at the Women's Welcome Assembly sponsored by Student Government and the Women's Student Association. Learn about leadership opportunities (new officers in December), what's going on with NeW this semester and how we plan to make a difference and have fun this fall! :) 
The event is from 6pm-8pm in Ustler Hall (located by Moe's, Student Rec and the Stadium). Food, entertainment, guest speakers and more will be provided!

Contact NeW President, Elizabeth Hebeler, at if you have any questions!

What's NeW?

The UF chapter of the Network of enlightened Women (NeW) is the premier organization for UF conservative women.

NeW was started as a book club in 2004 at the University of Virginia where its members could read about ideas and people often forgotten on college campuses. In addition to the book club, the UF NeW chapter engages in activities such as hosting speakers, holding debates, participating in philanthropic events and having social events like our annual Fall Tea Party.

If you are looking for a group of women who will challenge you to think beyond the teachings of the classroom and explore your own beliefs, inspiring you to take action...then NeW is the right organization for you!